This interactive visual displays maps and charts featuring recent trends in political violence and protests involving the Islamic State. Apply or remove filters by country and event type to broaden or limit your assessment of the data.

Melissa Pavlik
Melissa Pavlik is a former ACLED Research Consultant. Melissa focused on overarching trends of armed conflict across and within ACLED’s regions of study. She has degrees in Statistics and Political Science from the University of Chicago, and in War Studies from King’s College London. Her research focus includes violent non-state actors, conflict mapping, and American foreign policy.
Roudabeh Kishi
Roudabeh Kishi previously served as the Director of Research & Innovation at ACLED. She oversaw research at the organization, including data collection via the regional research desks, methodology team, and management of research partnerships; data science and analysis; and communications. Dr. Kishi holds a PhD in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland. She has worked as a consultant for numerous organizations around political violence, peace and conflict, development, gender, and quantitative data methods.