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April 2024 | Somalia: Dispute Over Constitutional Amendment and Increased al-Shabaab Attacks

26 April 2024

ACLED records more than 205 political violence events and at least 539 reported fatalities from 23 March to 19 April. Most political violence centered in the Lower Shabelle region, where al-Shabaab increased attacks targeting security forces. 

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Russia Ramps Up Airstrikes on Ukraine | ACLED Brief

26 April 2024

Russia has exploited Ukrainian ammunition shortages due to the six-month delay in the approval of US military aid, sluggish deliveries from the EU, and the disarray caused by the failed…

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April 2024 | Kenyan Security Forces Combating al-Shabaab, Pastoralist Militias, and Mob Violence

19 April 2024

Situation Update | April 2024 Kenya: Kenyan Security Forces Combating  al-Shabaab, Pastoralist Militias, and Mob Violence 19 April 2024 < Back to Kenya Hub Kenya at a Glance: 16 March…

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Beyond the Blue Wall: Exploring the Risks of Political Unrest in the 2024 Presidential Election

17 April 2024

Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are vital swing states for securing the presidency in the 2024 election. These three states, however, also have a history of extremist mobilization and recent protest movements, factors that may stoke risks of election-related violence.

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A Decade After Chibok: Assessing Nigeria’s Regional Response to Boko Haram

16 April 2024

Boko Haram remains an active insurgent group in the Lake Chad area of Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger amid regional efforts to combat the group’s violence.

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Politicians in the Crosshairs of Mexico’s Criminal Wars: The Cases of Guanajuato, Guerrero, and Michoacán

16 April 2024

In Mexico’s Guanajuato, Guerrero, and Michoacán states, violence targeting political figures generally occurs in hotspots of gang disputes. Past municipal elections have acted as a catalyzer of violence, and the trend is likely to continue during the 2024 electoral cycles.

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April 2024 | One Year of War in Sudan

14 April 2024

Situation Update | April 2024 One Year of War in Sudan 14 April 2024 < Back to Sudan Hub Sudan at a Glance: 15 April 2023-5 April 2024 VITAL TRENDS…

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India Votes 2024: Economic Discontent Deepens Ethnic Divisions Ahead of Elections

10 April 2024

Sectarian and ethnic tensions are rising in the run-up to the elections in India, as economic anxieties increase the pressure on the country’s caste and ethnicity-based affirmative action policies.

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The Growing Threat of Explosive Devices in Ukraine | ACLED Brief

4 April 2024

Around 75% of the over 1,200 detonations of landmines and remote explosives in Ukraine since 24 February 2022 have been reported to have hit civilians, as both sides of the war continue to lay landmines and use explosives in their operations.

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Yemen Situation Update: March 2024

4 April 2024

Yemen Conflict Observatory Monthly Report Yemen Situation Update: March 2024 YCO Home Actor Profiles Houthis Internationally Recognized Government Saudi-led Coalition Resistance Forces Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula Islamic State in Yemen…

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