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The Violent Politics of Bangladesh’s 2024 Elections

4 January 2024

Violence has already been on the rise in the months leading up to Bangladesh’s 7 January elections, in which Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will seek re-election for the fourth consecutive term.

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The Communist Insurgency in the Philippines: A ‘Protracted People’s War’ Continues

13 July 2023

This report examines the fighting between the Philippine state and the communist rebels under the Duterte and current Marcos, Jr. administrations.

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Special Issue on the Targeting of Local Officials: The Philippines

22 June 2023

The Philippines has historically grappled with a high – and lethal – level of violence targeting local officials. Such violence is heavily concentrated in rural areas, particularly the BARMM, and especially during election periods. However, while the Philippines is home to many conflicts, a large percentage of the violence targeting local officials occurs outside of such conflicts and can be tied to electoral competition, the proliferation of political dynasties, and the domination of ‘strong families’ who find recourse in violence to secure their interests.

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Anti-Government Demonstrations and Separatism in Thailand: Political Disorder Trends Ahead of the 2023 General Election

23 February 2023

An analysis of anti-government demonstrations and separatist violence in Thailand prior to the 2023 general election.

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ACLED Conflict Severity Index: January 2023

19 January 2023

Drawing on the latest ACLED data, the Conflict Severity Index assesses four key indicators to identify the most severe forms of conflict, providing new insights into how and where severe conflicts occur.

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Papuan Independence and Political Disorder in Indonesia

5 October 2022

This report examines disorder trends related to the issue of Papuan independence since 2018, focusing in particular on the rise in clashes between state forces and the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), increasing levels of violence targeting civilians by the TPNPB, and disproportionate state intervention in peaceful protests held by Papuans or Papuan groups.

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