Middle East

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Turkey-PKK Conflict: Summer 2020

26 June 2020

In this infographic, ACLED Research Analyst Adam Miller and Middle East Research Manager Lauren Blaxter chart the latest developments in the Turkey-PKK conflict as Turkish forces launch major new operations…

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Iraq’s October Revolution: Six Months On

10 April 2020

Over the last six months there have been a number of significant updates to the political situation in Iraq as it grapples with the pressure of the October Revolution protest…

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Research Hub: War in Yemen

25 March 2020

Five years ago, a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched a military intervention in Yemen to restore the government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi following the Houthi takeover of Sanaa…

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Syria Enters Its 10th Year of War

19 March 2020

On 15 March 2020, Syria entered its 10th year of war. Although ACLED data show an overall decrease in violence over the course of 2019, the war in Syria remains…

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Expanding ACLED’s Bahrain Data: 2016-2020

16 March 2020

At the height of the Arab Spring in February 2011, a mass protest movement took to the streets in Bahrain calling for democratic reforms, human rights protections, and an end…

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ACLED 2019: The Year in Review

2 March 2020

ACLED’s 2019 annual report reviews the past year of data on political violence and demonstration activity across Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and the Caucasus,…

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