Middle East

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IS Underground: The Post-War Threat to Iraqi Civilians

9 November 2018

Iraq declared victory over the Islamic State (IS) in December 2017, but the militant insurgency is not entirely defeated. In this infographic, ACLED Middle East Research Manager Tom Hart examines…

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Fatalities in the Yemen Conflict

8 November 2018

In this infographic, Research Analyst Melissa Pavlik breaks down ACLED’s current estimate of fatalities caused by Yemen’s Civil War, with a spotlight on civilian deaths. Find an explanation of ACLED’s…

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Upping the Ante: Turkey Renews its Campaign against the YPG in Northern Syria

8 November 2018

ACLED Researcher Nick Grinstead maps out the Turkish military’s resumed assault on Kurdish YPG forces in Northern Syria.

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Targeting Islamists: Assassinations in South Yemen

8 November 2018

A recent news article published by Buzzfeed revealed the involvement of American mercenaries contracted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a 2015 assassination attempt on Anssaf Ali Mayo, a…

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Borderline: Foreign Support and Spillover Conflicts in Iran’s Volatile Border Zones

2 November 2018

ACLED Research Analyst Melissa Pavlik explores the trends that have turned Iran’s borders into the country’s most dangerous areas in this new infographic.

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Down But Not Out: The Declining Use of the Regime’s Tiger Forces Militia in Syria

1 November 2018

In this infographic, ACLED Researcher Nick Grinstead reviews trends in the activity of the Tiger Forces, a loyalist militia aligned with the Syrian regime.

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